Swedish version coming soon

Syrian Orthodox Faith and Life (in Arabic, on campus)


The course is an introduction to the faith and life of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch in the Arabic language. The overall purpose of the course is to offer to the participants an opportunity to both deepen their theoretical and practical knowledge of their Church’s teaching and life, and to develop their ability to reflect on, explain and talk about what they have learned. This course consists of four modules:


  • Biblical studies: introduction to the Scripture and its place within the Church
  • Ecclesiology: introduction to the Ecumenical synods and canon laws
  • Liturgics: introduction to the liturgical life and practice of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch
  • Patristics: introduction to the Fathers of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch


Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will have:

  • the ability to describe and reflect, individually and together with other participants, on the early church and the emergence of the Syrian tradition and the context in which it emerged
  • understood and reflected on the Fathers’ theological contribution to the Syrian tradition and their relevance for today
  • demonstrated basic knowledge and understanding of the liturgical life of the Syrian Orthodox Church
  • developed an ability to reflect on the challenges and opportunities of the Syrian Orthodox Church in Sweden now and in the future, based upon the experiences of the participants
  • recognized the most important sources of the Syrian tradition and describe their relevance for today



Students are expected to participate in all course activities, both by being present and playing an active role in scheduled course sessions, and by completing assignments to be done outside of scheduled lessons. If participants miss lessons, they may be required to do extra assignments in order to fulfill the participation requirements of the course. 80% attendance and participation (including completion of assignments) are required for the course to be considered to have been completed.

Additional Information 

Upplägg på kursen 50% distans

Undervisning, deltagande och kontakt med lärare och andra deltagare sker främst genom skolans lärplattform Canvas. Du kommer att ha två kvällars schemalagd undervisning i veckan där du ena kvällen kommer att ha undervisning inom den kurs som du har valt och delta och diskutera med din kursledare och med deltagare i kursen.

Den andra kvällen kommer att vara en öppen föreläsning där du tillsammans med andra deltagare inom det syriska seminariets andra kurser kommer att diskutera och arbeta med frågor som är aktuella för den Syrisk Ortodoxa kyrkan och dagens samhälle. Där kommer du som deltagare att få ett starkt inflytande över vilka ämnen som diskuteras och bearbetas. Du kommer även att tillsammans med andra deltagare få presentera och aktivt lyfta fram era perspektiv och lösningar på aktuella frågeställningar. lnom folkbildningen sker undervisningen inte enbart från lärare till deltagare utan också mellan deltagare och lärare, samt mellan deltagare och deltagare. Vi lär av varandra och tillsammans i grupp. De uppgifter som du får göra kan du med fördel göra tillsammans med andra deltagare på kursen. Du har även tillgång till kursmaterial, lärare och andra deltagare via Canvas utanför lektionstid. Ditt deltagande är avgörande för kursen!

Om en viss kurs har lågt deltagande kommer studenterna erbjudas plats på andra kurser inom seminariet.

Disposition of 50 % course on distance

Details of lessons, participation in discussions and contact with the teacher and other participants take place primarily through the teaching platform Canvas.

You will have two evening lessons each  week.

The first evening will be related to the specific subject that you have chosen – you will participate in the class and participate in discussion with your teacher and other participants in the course.

On the second evening, you will participate in an open lecture where you and all the participants within the Syrian Orthodox seminary participate and discuss important subjects within the Syrian Orthodox Church and society today. In this lesson you will have a significant influence on which subjects and discussions will take place. You will also, together with your fellow participants, present and actively defend your perspectives and solutions to questions that are raised. Within folkbildning teaching takes place not only between teacher and student, but also between student and teacher and between student and student. We learn from each other and together as a group. You will be encouraged to do the various assignments that you will be given together with other participants in the course. You will also have access to material, your teacher and other participants through the Canvas platform outside of the scheduled lessons. Your active participation is vital for the course!

If a course has a low number of participants you will be offered a place in another course within the seminary.

Application forms available in:

Quick Facts

Length: 1 year

Study Pace: 50%

Type of Instruction: On-campus
Language of Instruction: Arabic
Location: St Thomas-kyrkan i Södertälje

Level: Seminary

Organizer: Sankt Ignatios Folkhögskola

In addition to the requirements stated in the course description, all students need to be at least 18 year old, be officially registered in Sweden and have a sufficient knowledge of the language of instruction.

Fees: Tuition at Sankt Ignatios Folkhögskola is free for everyone who is registered (“folkbokförda”) in Sweden.

Service Fees at Sankt Ignatios Folkhögskola:  Students are required to pay a service fee. The service fee for this course is SEK 400 per semester.
