Etikett: Folkhögskola

Georgisk-ortodox kyrkomusik (2023-2024)

This course in Georgian Orthodox Church Music will provide participants with an introduction to this rich and vibrant musical tradition. The course will focus on developing the fundamental skills necessary to perform Georgian Orthodox Church Music, including sight-reading, vocal technique,

Ortodox hagiografi med fokus på översättning (2023-2024)

Course description: The calendar texts about the Orthodox saints, the synaxarion of the Orthodox Church, are an often overlooked source of historical and theological insight. This course, in seminar form, focuses in particular on the synaxarion texts of Sundays and

Kyrkohistoria (på serbiska), 2023-2024

Requirements: Students are expected to participate in all course activities which means being present and playing an active role at the scheduled lessons and completing assignments outside of classes. If participants miss lessons, they may be required to do extra assignments to

Biblical Exegesis (Serbian Orthodox church)

Biblical Exegesis (Serbian Orthodox Church) The biblical text is one of the oldest expressions of faith and one of the foundations of Christian theology.  However, precisely because it is an ancient text, it is often difficult to interpret, especially for

Biblisk och liturgisk grekiska (Koine) 2023-2024

Do you want to gain a deeper understanding of the Scriptures by engaging with the Greek language of the Bible? Are you also interested in reading and understanding some of the Church’s most important prayers in their original Greek form?

Deacon Training Program in the Tewahedo Tradition (2023-2024)

Overview This program provides the environment, structure and guidance necessary for the intellectual and personal formation of deacons who wish to serve the Orthodox Tewahdo Church. This three-year course is taught in Tigrinya or Amharic and does not require proficiency

Diakonala utbildningsprogrammet i tewahedotraditionen

Overview This program provides the environment, structure and guidance necessary for the intellectual and personal formation of deacons who wish to serve the Orthodox Tewahedo Church. This three-year course is taught in Tigrinya or Amharic and does not require proficiency
