Docent Thomas Arentzen

Thomas Arentzen studied theology at the University of Oslo and went on to do a PhD in early Christianity at Lund University. From 2015 to 2019 he conducted his own postdoctoral research project Bodies in Motion: Religion and Corporeality in Late Antiquity at the University of Oslo (funded by the Research Council of Norway) and spent spring term 2016 as Visiting Scholar at Brown University. In 2018, he became Reader (docent) in Church History at Lund University. For the academic year 2018–19, he was awarded a fellowship in Byzantine Studies at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Arentzen’s research interests include Byzantine Christianity and ecology. He conducted the research project Beyond the Garden: An Ecocritical Approach to Early Byzantine Christianity (2019–2023 funded by the Swedish Research Council), which focused on trees in late ancient and Byzantine sources. In 2021 he wrote the monograph Byzantine Tree Life with two American colleagues. Arentzen also specializes in early Christian poetry and devotional literature and has explored popular piety and literary expressions of Christian faith. His monograph The Virgin in Song studies representations of the Virgin Mary in late ancient poetry.

Arentzen serves as preses of the scholarly society Collegium Patristicum Lundense and article editor and editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed journal Patristica Nordica Annuaria. He is member of the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul’s Research Collegium and of l’Association Internationale d’Études Patristiques (AIEP/IAPS)’s council


Senior Lecturer, Docent, History of Christianity with Systematic Theology


  • Reader (docent), Lund University 2018
  • Ph.D., Lund University 2014
  • Cand.philol., Universitety of Oslo 2005
  • Cand.mag., Universitety of Oslo 2001



Våketrær: et essay om røtter og hengivenhet. Oslo: Verbum [forthcoming spring 2024]

Byzantine Tree Life: Christianity and the Arboreal Imagination (with Virginia Burrus & Glenn Peers). New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

The Virgin in Song: Mary and the Poetry of Romanos the Melodist. Divinations series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017.

Ortodoxa och österländska kyrkor i Sverige. Stockholm: Swedish Commission for Government Support to Faith Communities, 2015.

Virginity Recast: Romanos and the Mother of God. Doctoral dissertation, Lund University 2014.


Rethinking Gender in Orthodox Christianity (eds. Ashley Purpura, Thomas Arentzen, & Susan Ashbrook Harvey), Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2023.

Orthodox Tradition and Human Sexuality (eds. Thomas Arentzen, Ashley Purpura, & Aristotle Papanikolaou) Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought. New York: Fordham University Press, 2022.

Wisdom on the Move: Late Antique Traditions in Multicultural Conversation. Essays in Honor of Samuel Rubenson, Vigiliae Christianae Supplements 161 (eds. Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Thomas Arentzen, Henrik Rydell Johnsén & Andreas Westergren) Leiden: Brill, 2020.

The Reception of the Virgin in Byzantium: Marian Narratives in Texts and Images (eds. Thomas Arentzen & Mary Cunningham) Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Mellan tid och evighet: Eskatologiska perspektiv i den tidiga kyrkan (eds. Thomas Arentzen, Uffe H. Eriksen & Henrik Johnsén) Skellefteå: Artos Academic, 2016.


Romanos the Melodist: Songs about Women. Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library 83. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2024 [in press].

“Romanos Meloden: Julhymn 2 [Swedish trans. with introduction],” in Mariologi, Svenskt Patristiskt Bibliotek VII (ed. Tord Fornberg) Skellefteå: Artos 2021, 177–188.

“Pseudo-Romanos: Kontakion on St Nicholas” [English trans. from Greek with Uffe H. Eriksen], Patristica Nordica Annuaria 35 (2020), 126–138.

“Gudfødersken synger,” STREK 5 (2008): 52–59.


“The Akathistos Aniconically: Meditations on Unsettled Seeing,” The Akathistos Hymnos and Intermedial Compositional Processes in Later Byzantium: Sung, Written, Painted (ed. Jon Cosme Cubas Diaz), Palgrave, 2024 [in press].

“Explicit Lyrics: Constantinopolitan Holy Week Revisited” in Towards the Prehistory of the Byzantine Liturgical Year: Festal Homilies and Festal Liturgies in Late Antique Constantinople (eds. Stefanos Alexopoulos & Harald Buchinger) Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies, Münster: Aschendorff, 2024 [in press].

“Introducing Gender and Orthodox Christianity” (with Ashley Purpura) in Rethinking Gender in Orthodox Christianity (eds. Purpura, Arentzen, & Harvey), Eugene: Pickwick 2023, 1–14.

“Sexuality and Orthodoxy: An Introduction” (with Ashley Purpura) in Orthodox Tradition and Human Sexuality (eds. Arentzen, Purpura, & Papanikolaou) New York: Fordham University Press 2022, 1–20.

“The Chora of God: Approaching the Outskirts of Mariology in the Akathistos,” Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies 4/2 (2021): 127–149.

“Some Early Christian Trees,” Studia Patristica. Vol. CIV – Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019: Volume 1: Introduction; Historica (ed. Markus Vinzent) Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2021, 127–137.

“Livnende stoff, elementers lengsel: En nymaterialistisk inngang til Elias Blix’ dåpssalme (145),” Tidsskriftet SANG 1–2 (2021): 57–67.

“Landscape Theology: Exploring the Outfields of the Telemarkian Dream Song,” Landscapes: The Journal of the International Centre for Landscape and Language 10/1 (2020):

“Fromme trær i tidlig kristendom,” Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift 96/2 (2020): 119–132.

“Sex and the City: Intercourse in Holy Week,” Journal of Early Christian Studies 28/1 (2020): 115–147.

“Wisdom on the Move: An Introduction” (with Henrik Rydell Johnsén & Andreas Westergren) in Wisdom on the Move: Late Antique Traditions in Multicultural Conversation, VCS 161 (eds. Harvey, Arentzen, Johnsén & Westergren) Brill 2020, 1–10.

“Rubenson on the Move: A Biographical Journey” (with Henrik Rydell Johnsén & Andreas Westergren) in Wisdom on the Move: Late Antique Traditions in Multicultural Conversation, VCS 161 (eds. Harvey, Arentzen, Johnsén & Westergren) Brill 2020, 247–250.

“Arboreal Lives: Saints among the Trees in Byzantium and Beyond,” Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 5 (2019): 113–136.

“Conversing with Clothes: Germanos and Mary’s Belt” in The Garb of Being: Embodiment and Other Pursuits of Holiness in Late Ancient Christianity (eds. Georgia Frank, Susan Holman & Andrew Jacobs), New York: Fordham University Press 2019, 57–78.

“The Dialogue of Annunciation: Germanos of Constantinople versus Romanos the Melodist” in The Reception of the Virgin in Byzantium: Marian Narratives in Texts and Images (eds. Arentzen & Cunningham), Cambridge University Press 2019, 151–169.

“Introduction” (with Mary Cunningham) in The Reception of the Virgin in Byzantium: Marian Narratives in Texts and Images (eds. Arentzen & Cunningham) Cambridge University Press 2019, 1–13.

“Soundscapes of Salvation: Resounding Refrains in Jewish and Christian Liturgical Poems,” (with Ophir Münz-Manor) Studies in Late Antiquity 3/1 (2019): 36–55.

“Inn mot kjødets nullpunkt: den groteske døden i bysantinske hymner,” Hymnologi: Nordisk tidsskrift 1–2 (2018): 33–40.

“De ortodokse kirkene – østlige tradisjonsbærere” in Mangfold og enhet: Kirkekunnskap (ed. Ola Tjørhom), Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2018: 125–150.

“The Virgin in Hades” in Round Trip to Hades in the Eastern Mediterranean Tradition: Visits to the Underworld from Antiquity to Byzantium (eds. Gunnel Ekroth & Ingela Nilsson), Brill 2018: 287–303.

“Struggling with Romanos’s ‘Dagger of Taste’” in Knowing Bodies, Passionate Souls: Sense Perceptions in Byzantium (eds. Harvey & Mullett), Washington DC: Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Symposia and Colloquia 2017: 169–182.

“Dissolving with Lazarus: Late Ancient Liturgical Bodies in Pieces,” Studia Theologica 71 (2017): 173–198.

“Voices Interwoven: Refrains and Vocal Participation in the Kontakia,” Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 66 (2016): 1–10.

“Kjødets teologi” in Gud er alltid større. Om kirkefedrenes teologiske språk (eds. Kristiansen & Solberg), Oslo: Novus forlag, 2016: 223–239.

“‘Your virginity shines’ – The Attraction of the Virgin in the Annunciation Hymn by Romanos,” Studia Patristica 68 (2013): 125–132.

“Skjønnheten og skjøgen – Romanos’ hymne om synderinnen som salver Jesus” in Skjønnhet og tilbedelse (eds. Rise & Sæther), Trondheim: Akademika forlag, 2013: 145–160.

“Hør hva jeg er, for jeg er den du ser! – Maria-fremstillinger i Akathistos-hymnen og Romanos’ Bebudelseshymne,” Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift 87 (2011): 162–168.

“‘Kom og ta del!’ Romanos’ Julehymne og dens liturgiske kontekst,” Norsk teologisk tidsskrift 2 (2006): 122–137.


“Ta i trä: Om att återupptäcka de kristna träden” in En grönare kyrka: Teologi för klimatnödläge (ed. Lena Bergström, Petra Carlsson, Sune Fahlgren, and Peter Halldorf) Falun: Libris bokförlag 2022: 79–101.

“Mary Retold,” Ancient Jew Review July 31, 2019: publications- mary-retold

“Romanos in Manuscript: Some Observations on the Patmos Kontakarion” (with Derek Krueger) in Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016: Round Tables (eds. Krsmanović & Milanović), Serbian National Committee of AIEB: 2016: 648–654.

“Tidigkristen eskatologi” (co-authored with Eriksen & Johnsén) in Mellan tid och evighet: Eskatologiska perspektiv i den tidiga kyrkan (Skellefteå: Artos Academic, 2016), 11–22.

“Bysantinske positurer: Groteske kropper og sensuelle tilnærmelser i konstantinopolitansk poesi,” Vetenskapssociteten i Lund: Årsbok 2016: 5–20.

“Prolog” (co-authored with Andreas Westergren in) Patristica Nordica Annuaria 31 (2016): 3–4.

”Syrisk-ortodox kristendom och Sverige” in Att mötas är att växa: en studie i mångkulturalitet (ed. Flodell) Skellefteå: Artos, 2015: 339–352.

“The Orthodox Church in Modern Norway” in A Short History of the Orthodox Church in Western Europe in the 20th Century (ed. Chaillot) Paris: InterOrthodox Dialogue, 2006: 138–147 [subsequently published in French, German, and Romanian trans.].

“Mellom Midgard og Miklagard. Helgenliv over landegrensene,” Middelalderforum 1–2 (2003): 161–171.


“Istanbuls trær åpner for det hellige,” Tørst 1 (2023): 12–16 [Danish translation «Istanbuls træer åbner for det hellige» at]

“Trees in Istanbul,” Kalabalik! 13 (2022): 30–35.

“Trærnes evangelium,” Vårt land 7 Jan 2023, 32–34.

The Orthodox Church and Same-Sex Love: Resources for a Challenging Conversation, a study guide published online and in paper by the Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief (Norwegian Centre for Human Rights) 2022.

“Shaking the Tree of Anthropocentricity” [blogpost], Public Orthodoxy blog:

“‘Den som ikke elsker trærne, elsker ikke Gud’: Om oldkirkelige trær,” Segl: Katolsk årsskrift for religion og samfunn 2021: 105–109.

“Kassia gjenoppdaget,” Segl: Katolsk årsskrift for religion og samfunn 2021: 179–182.

“Kassia Revisited – Researchers on Kassia’s Poems and Music” [panellist], The Women’s Museum of Istanbul, October 23, 2021

“Episode 7: Hymns by Kassianí” [podcast episode], Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Podcast,

“St. Kassia and the Mary Magdalene Complex” [blogpost], Public Orthodoxy blog:

“Regn och ull: Poetiska tolkningar av inkarnationen,” Signum: Katolsk orientering om kyrka, kultur, samhälle 5 (2020): 45–51.

“Byzantine Poetess Kassiani Goes Popular” (with Toma Paraskevi et al.) Mix Grill February 27, 2020: 

“Holy Arousal” [blogpost], Public Orthodoxy blog:

“Mellom synd og begjær: Den hellige Kassia i den stille uke,” Segl: Katolsk årsskrift for religion og samfunn 2016: 241–243.

“Kroppens sånger,” Pilgrim 2 (2014): 44–47.  

“Ingen frelses alene,” Nytt norsk kirkeblad 6 (2010): 48–50.

“Et nytt bryllup i Kana. Kana-bryllupet i Den ortodokse kirkes vigselsrituale,” Nytt norsk kirkeblad 1 (2009): 9–13.

Lectures & Presentations


“Early Christian Tree Behavior,” invited plenary lecture, Nineteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies in Oxford 5–9 August 2024.

“Byzantine Tree Life [book presentation]” at the Nova Forum for Catholic Thought (Science & Religion lecture series), University of Southern California, 8 November 2023.

“A Venture into Dark Mariology” invited talk in the series Global Approaches to Sacred Space, Stanford University, 6 November 2023.

“Bleeding Elms and a Breath of Oak: Healing in the Hills of Vounaina,” invited paper at the session Entangling Meaning in the Natural World: Between Resource and Practice sponsored by ReMeDHe (Religion, Medicine, Disability, Health, and Healing in Late Antiquity), at European Academy of Religion, St Andrews, 20 June 2023.

“Eating the Gospel: Food for Thought in Romanos the Melodist,” keynote at O Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Church Music, Food, and Nourishment, The Tenth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music, Joensuu (Finland), 12 June 2023.

“Arborealizing,” at God and the Human Future, Spring Meeting: Roots, Matters, Lessons, Westar Institute, 10 June 2023.

“Gender and Sexuality in Orthodox Christianity,” at the symposium Scrutinizing the Limitations of Freedom of Religion or Belief, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 8 March 2023.

“Dendriter och andra kristna trädliv,” lecture at Historiska Studentföreningen KLIO, Lund, 9 Feb 2023.

“Religious Plant Behavior – or: What Did Christian Trees in Byzantium Do?” in Searching for the Sacred lecture series, the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 29 Sept 2022.

“Finding Myself in Harlot Stories,” in the keynote session Privileged Texts and the Arts, SBL International Meeting, Salzburg, 17–21 July 2022.

“Utflykter i ett jungfruligt landskap,” at the symposium Mariafromhet i den tidiga kyrkan, Lund University, 16 June 2022.

“The Akathistos Aniconically,” at Sung, Written and Painted: The κάθιστος μνος and Intermedial Compositional Processes in Later Byzantium, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 2–3 June 2022.

“Fornemmelser av bark: å komme oldkirkens trær inn på livet,” at Træer, pelikaner og drager – naturopfattelsen i Oldkirken (Forum for Patristik), Copenhagen University, 31 Jan 2022.

“Trees with an Attitude,” Nature and the Environment: The 53rd Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Birmingham, 27–29 March 2021.

“Approaching Byzantine Trees: Ecology and Byzantine Christianity,” guest presentation for the research program Authority, Materiality, and Media (University of Southern Denmark), 23 Nov 2020.

“Contemplating the Virgin Landscape: The Botanical Theotokos in the Akathistos,” Contemplative Traditions – Theory & Practice. A Symposium in Honor of Professor Andrew Louth, St Ignatios College, Sigtuna, 12–15 Dec 2019.

“Fromma träd i tidig kristendom,” Reader Installation Lecture, Lund University, 12 Nov 2019.  

“Arboreal Lives: Saints among the Trees in Byzantium and Beyond,” The Rydén Lecture 2019, Uppsala 25 Oct 2019.

“Speaking with Mary: St. Romanos, a Voice, and the Virgin,” guest lecture at Catholic University of America, 26 March 2019.

“Between Abjection and Seduction: Adventures in Late Ancient Holy Week,” guest lecture at Duke University, 22 Jan 2019.

“Holy Week Discombobulations” at the international conference Liturgy and Hymnody in Byzantium across Centuries and Spaces, 22–23 Nov 2018, Moscow Centre for Medieval Studies, National Research University – Higher School of Economics.

“Imagining the Virgin in the Byzantine Night,” guest lecture at the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 1 Feb 2018.

“The Voice of the Virgin – Or How Romanos the Melodist Taught Mary to Sing,” guest lecture at the University of Cyprus, 11 Oct 2017.  

“Performing Holy Week” at the workshop Religious Performance in Byzantium, Uppsala University, 23–24 May 2017.

“Dissolving Bodies in Byzantium” at the symposium Body, Culture, Religion: Byzantine Views. Brown University. 12 March 2016.

“Mellom spy og et stenk parfyme: Groteske kropper og sensuell tro i senantikke hymner” at the symposium Skönheten och odjuret – kontraster i tidigkristen estetik. Lund University 8 Sept 2015.

“Voices Interwoven: Refrains and Vocal Participation in Late Ancient Kontakia,” at the conference Sacred Song in the Late Antique and Byzantine East: Comparative Explorations. Brown University. 4–6 May 2015.

“In between Metaphors: Marian Imagery in Romanos the Melodist,” guest lecture at Aarhus University. 20 April 2015. 

“Orientaliska och syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkor i Sverige” at the conference Mångkultur i Sverige, i kyrkor och samfund. Sigtuna 21–22 Nov 2014.

“Snöstorm och ett rykande berg: Jungfru Maria i Romanos’ poesi,” guest lecture at the Newman Institute, Uppsala 13 Oct 2014.

“The Virgin in Hades” at the conference Roundtrip to Hades: Visits to the Underworld in the Eastern Mediterranean Tradition. Uppsala University. 9–12 Oct 2014.

“Ambiguous Marian Imagery in Early Byzantine Hymns” at Imagery in Pre-Modern Poetry: A Global Perspective (3rd Johannes Pedersen Seminar). Copenhagen University. 9–10 Oct 2014.

“Struggling with Romanos’s ‘Dagger of Taste,’” Knowing Bodies, Passionate Souls: Sense Perceptions in Byzantium (Dumbarton Oaks Spring Symposium 2014), Washington DC. 25–27 April 2014.

“Nye sanger for Jomfruen” at Forum for Patristik, Copenhagen University, 17 Jan 2011.

“Russian Impressions: Orthodox Encounters and Scandinavian Memory,” Orthodoxy in Russian Culture and Society, the Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg. 27–28 May 2010.


“Before Romanos: The Genre and Artistry of Three Early Kontakia” [with Derek Krueger], 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Venice & Padua, 22–27 Aug 2022.

“Att läsa med virus i kroppen,” at the symposium Ekokritik bortom västvärlden: Nya perspektiv i coronans tidevarv, Uppsala 10 Dec 2020. 

“In the Shadow of Pillars,” at The Reception of Stylites: Re-readings and Re-castings of Late Ancient Syrian Super-Heroes, international workshop at Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 10–11 Oct 2019.

“Early Christian Trees,” Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies in Oxford 19–24 August 2019.

“Blushing Trees, Embracing Trunks: Byzantine Arboreal Behavior,” Dumbarton Oaks Research Report 29 April 2019.

“Treed by Trunks: Beyond Early Christian Anthropomorphism,” at Trees and More: Ecological Thinking and the Ancient Christian Imagination (Larceny Symposium, Syracuse University) 6 April 2019.

“The kata stichon Hymnography as a Source for Early Constantinopolitan Festal Celebrations?” [with Stig Frøyshov] at Towards the Prehistory of the Byzantine Liturgical Year. Festal Homilies and Festal Liturgies in Late Antique Constantinople (Universität Regensburg) 3–6 July 2018.

“Soundscapes of Salvation: Refrains and the Creation of Sonic Space in Christian and Jewish Liturgical Poetry” [with Ophir Münz-Manor] From the Human Body to the Universe… Spatialities of Byzantine Culture, Uppsala, 18–21 May 2017.

“Open the Gate! Congregational Participation in Christian and Jewish Liturgical Poetry from Byzantium” [with Ophir Münz-Manor] 42nd Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Cornell University 6–9 Oct 2016.

“Romanos in Manuscript: Some Observations on the Patmos Kontakarion” [with Derek Krueger] 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, 22–27 Aug 2016.

“Deformed Bodies in Late Ancient Hymns,” North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Chicago 26–28 May 2016.

“The Dialogue of Annunciation: Germanos of Constantinople versus Romanos the Melodist,” Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies in Oxford 11–14 August 2015.

“A Matter of Taste: Salvation as Gustation in Early Christian Poetry,” The Aesthetics of Crossing: Experiencing the Beyond in Abrahamic Traditions, Utrecht University, 19–21 March 2015.

“The Breastfeeding Virgin in Romanos,” The Byzantine Studies Conference 2012. Brookline 1–4 November 2012.

“‘Your virginity shines’ – The Attraction of the Virgin in the Annunciation Hymn by Romanos,” Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies in Oxford 8–12 August 2011.

“Reading Figural Reading in Romanos Melodos,” Stories and Images – The Bible in the Early Church: Antioch & Syria, Lund University 24 Sept 2007.

”Romanos Meloden – julekontakiet,” Norwegian Committee for Byzantine Studies’ Annual Meeting, 27 Nov 2004.



Review of:

—— Rönnegård, Paradiset X. Pilgrim 2 (2023): 63–64.

—— Saggau, Moderne ortodokse kirker. Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift 121 (2021): 187–190.

—— Næss, Maria, Guds mor: Jomfrufødselens historie. DIN: Tidsskrift for religion og kultur 1 (2021): 107–111.

—— Serck-Hanssen, Helgen i grenseland: Arven fra Trifon av Petsjenga. Nytt norsk kirkeblad 1 (2020): 99–104.

—— Galadza, Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem. Dragomanen: Årsskrift utgiven av Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul 20 (2018): 156–158.

—— Gador-Whyte, Theology and Poetry in Early Byzantium. Patristica Nordica Annuaria 33 (2018): 120–122.

—— Goldwyn, Byzantine Ecocriticism. Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 4 (2018): 184–186.

—— Shoemaker, Mary in Early Christian Faith and Devotion. Journal of Early Christian Studies 26 (2018): 344–346.

—— Shoemaker, Mary in Early Christian Faith and Devotion. Patristica Nordica Annuaria 31 (2016): 151–53.

—— Krueger, Liturgical Subjects. Journal of Early Christian Studies 23 (2015): 636–38.

—— Hidal, Efraim Syriern: Hymnerna om tron. Svenskt Gudstjänstliv 90 (2015): 180–82.

—— Chrysostomosliturgin: En nyöversättning. Patristica Nordica Annuaria 29 (2014): 130–131.

—— Andrén, Johannes Chrysostomos: Den outgrundlige. Patristica Nordica Annuaria 28 (2013): 121–22.

—— Aasgaard (ed.), Tidligkristne apokryfer. Patristica Nordica Annuaria 27 (2012): 113–14.

—— Schöldstein, Gläd Dig, Du som födde Ljuset. Patristica Nordica Annuaria 26 (2011): 115–16.

—— Grande, Den ortodokse kirke. Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke 81 (2010): 313–15.

—— Tollefsen, The Christocentric Cosmology of St Maximus the Confessor. Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2 (2010): 146–48.

—— Psaltaren enligt Septuaginta. Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 24 (2009): 87–88 

—— Engberg et al. (ed.), Til forsvar for kristendommen: Tidlige kristne apologeter. Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 23 (2008): 83–84.

—— Johansen, Den ortodokse kirkes guddommelige liturgier. Over alt 1 (2006): 62–63.

—— Clément, Källor – den kristna spiritualitetens ursprung. Kirke og kultur 3 (2005): 469–70.

—— Islandske prosasalmer. akt 4 (2002).

—— Halldorfs, 21 kirkefedre. akt 1 (2002).

—— Berg, Tyven fra Brügge [poetry anthology]. Ny Tid, 8 Dec 98.
