Dr. Johannes Pulkkanen

TD Johannes Pulkkanen disputerade vid Uppsala universitet våren 2009 med avhandlingen "The Dark Night: St John of the Cross and Eastern Orthodox Theology". Förutom uppdrag som lärare vid olika högskolor har han också ägnat sig åt att arrangera pilgrimsresor på professionell basis. 


Deputy Senior Lecturer, History of Christianity with Systematic Theology




  • Master of Philosophy 2001 (Uppsala University)
  • Doctor of Theology 2009 (Uppsala University)


  •  Article “Comparative Study of Deification in St Symeon, St John of the Cross and St Maximus” in Holiness, Perfection and Theosis: The Human Being as capax infinitis 2022, Volos Academy & St. John Chrysostom Institute Theology Series #3, edited by Olga Sevastyanova and Nikolaos Asproulis. Volos Academy Publishing.
  • Review in Finnish “Jyrkkä kanonikokoelma tutkimuksen kohteena” of the dissertation The Rudder of the Church. A Study of the Theory of Canon Law in Pedalion (Lund University Publications 2014) by David Heith-Stade in Ortodoksia Vol 55 (2015).
  • The Dark Night: St John of the Cross and Eastern Orthodox Theology (doctoral dissertation), Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.

Johannes have also written many non-academic articles and had numerous lectures and presentations at various church related conferences and gatherings.

Lectures & Presentations


  • Presentation “The Hexapsalmos as a Theological Code” at Internationell konferens om tillbedjan och lärjungaskap, 10-13 September 2023 in Södertälje in Sweden, Lausanne Orthodox Initiative.
  • Book review in a panel on Rev. Professor Cyril Hovorun ́s major monograph Eastern Christianity in Its Texts (T&T Clark, London, 2022) at the Internarnational Orthodox Theological Association’s second mega-conference in Volos, Greere 11-14, 2023.
  • Presentation “St Symeon the New Theologian and Liturgical Theology: Theology as Revelation and Theology as Construct” at ORIC Fourth International Theological Conference Online December 2021.
  • Presentation “Comparative Study of Deification in St Symeon, St John of the Cross and St Maximus” at ORIC Third International Theological Conference Online December 2020.


  • FS (=Fall Semester) 2022 “Systematic Ecclesiology” (advanced distance course, 7,5 credits, Sankt Ignatios College / University College Stockholm).
  • FS 2022 “Ecclesiology and Canon Law in Eastern Christianity” (introductory course on campus in Södertälje, 7,5 credits, Sankt Ignatios College / University College Stockholm).
  • FS 2022 “Church as Polis” (advanced distance course, 7,5 credits, Sankt Ignatios College / University College Stockholm).
  • SS (=Spring Semester) 2014, FS 2015, FS 2016 and FS 2017 “Islam and Christianity: religious encounter in history and present” (7.5 credits, introductory course on campus in Uppsala, Johannelund School of Theology in cooperation with the educational church foundation Stiftelsen Fjellstedtska skolan).
  • SS 2011, SS 2012, SS 2013, FS 2013, SS 2014, SS 2015 “Development of Christianity (introductory distance course in church history, 7.5 credits, Umeå University).
  • SS 2013 “Martin Luther and the Swedish Reception of Luther” (advanced distance course, 7.5 credits, University College Stockholm).
  • SS 2013 “Mysticism and Reformation” (advanced course on campus, 7.5 credits, Johannelund School of Theology / Stiftelsen Fjellstedtska skolan).
  •  FS 2012 “Theology and mysticism in 16th century Spain” (introductory course on campus in Stockholm, 7.5 credits, Newman Institute).
  • FSl 2012 “Introduction to Christianity” (introductory course in Church History, 2 * 6 credits, on campus in Växjö and Kalmar, Linnaeus University).
  • Summer 2012 “Introduction to Christian mysticism” (distance course, 15 credits, Umeå University).
  • Summer 2011 “Introduction to Muslim Sufism and Christian mysticism” (distance course, 7,5 credits, Dalarna University).
  • FS 2010, SS 2011 “Medieval mysticism and theology” (advanced distance course, 7.5 credits, University College Stockholm).
  •  FS 2010 “Mysticism in the psychology of religion” (advanced course on campus, 7.5 credits, University College Stockholm).
  • SS 2006, SS 2009 “John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila: mystics in contemporary thought” (introductory course on campus, 7.5 credits, Department of Theology at Uppsala University / Stiftelsen Fjellstedtska skolan).
  • SS 2006 “Use of Scripture in theology” ( advanced course on campus, 7.5 hp, Department of Theology at Uppsala University).

Besides having been the course manager for the courses above, Johannes have often participated in similar courses as a guest lecturer



  • Since May 2022 Johannes have been a teacher at Sankt Ignatios folkhögskola and adjunct senior lecturer at Sankt Ignatios College (sanktignatios.org).
  • In May 2022 Johannes initiated a project to produce an Orthodox Synaxarion in Swedish in cooperation with Simonopetra Monastery in Mount Athos. The first of four volumes is due in the spring of 2024 (pilgrimsfonden.se/synaxariet). Currently he administer this project and serve as one of its editors.
  •  Currently Johannes a candidate for priesthood at the Transfiguration of the Lord Parish in Stockholm (ryskaortodoxakyrkan.se).
  • In 2018 Johannes founded the association Föreningen Pilgrimsfonden (pilgrimsfonden.se) which is attached to the above mentioned parish. He currently serve as its chair.
  • In 2016 – 2020 Johannes was the CEO of the company Pilgrim Travel Ltd which he founded and which existed during this period and had an office and staff in Uppsala
  • From 2017 to 2019 Johannes was a board member of the upper level lower secondary school “Katarinaskolan” in Uppsala (katarinaskolan,se). In 2023 he was re-elected to the same position.
  • In 2015 – 2016 Johannes was occupied with salaried social work (mainly housing assistance) amongst unaccompanied refugee children in Tierp Municipality north of Uppsala.
  • Since 2014 Johannes have belonged to the reference group of the Christian journal Tidskriften Pilgrim (tidskriftenpilgrim.se).
  • Since 2011 Johannes have been responsible for a weekly Orthodox study circle in Uppsala.
  •  In 2010 and 2011, Johannes was part of a group of specialists who, on behalf of the Orthodox Diocese of Helsinki (Finland) and the Department of Orthodox Education and Culture at the Swedish educational organization Bilda, reviewed a new translation of the Orthodox liturgy from Greek into Swedish.
  • From 2009 to 2014 Johannes worked as a tutor and lecturer (sole proprietorship since 2011) at various universities and colleges and church organizations in Sweden. See below for a list of academic courses he taught, during and after this period.
  • In May 2009 Johannes defended his doctoral thesis The Dark Night: St John of the Cross and Eastern Orthodox Theology at Uppsala University with the Rev. Professor Andrew Louth as the faculty opponent.
  • Since February 2008 Johannes has been a member of the Transfiguration of the Lord Orthodox Parish of the Russian Tradition in Stockholm.
  • Between 2004 and 2008 Johannes was a salaried doctoral candidate at the Department of Theology at Uppsala University.
  • During the academic year 2002/03 Johannes was enrolled as a doctoral student in Orthodox theology at Joensuu University in Finland.
  • During the academic year 2002/03 and autumn 2004 Johannes worked periodically as a substitute teacher at Gottsundaskolan and Treklangens skola in Gottsunda, Uppsala.
  • In 2000 and 2001 Johannes completed his Master of Philosophy studies at Uppsala University with systematic and patristic theology as his main area of interest.
  •  In 1999-2000, during a little more than a year, Johannes headed the missionary organization Agape Sweden (agapesverige.se).
  • In 1997 – 1999 Johannes was responsible for the missionary organization Agape Sweden‘s (agapesverige.se) student ministry in Uppsala.
  • From 1993 to 1997 Johannes studied at the Department of Theology at Uppsala University.
  • From 1989 to 1992 Johannes studied Russian and Russian literature in Kiev and Sankt Petersburg and participated in the missionary work of Mission Europe and Cru International. See missioneurope.fi and cru.org). From September 1991 and to the end of 1992 he was responsible for the campaign office in Sankt Petersburg of a large ecumenical missionary project called Mission Volga headed by the Finnish Lutheran vicar and evangelist Kalevi Lehtinen and the Finnish Lutheran vicar Markku Happonen.

Since 2006 he worked as a tour guide for cultural tours and pilgrimages in Spain, Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Italy (Rome), Bulgaria and Greece. At last but not the least: He have been married since 1994 and have three grown up children.
