Dr. Hanna Kulahina-Stadnichenko

Dr. Hanna Kulahina-Stadnichenko is Lecturer in Biblical Studies with History of Religion and received her doctoral degree from the Department of Religious Studies of the G.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2001). Her doctoral dissertation deals with how pre-Christian beliefs were integrated with the tradition of the Orthodox Church. Her current research concerns the function of religion in the space between the individual and a collective planes, a space where religious experiences affect the social community of values.

Dr. Hanna Kulahina-Stadnichenko is an expert in the field of interfaith dialogue, national and religious identities in the context of public dialogue, humanistic values of civil society, as well as the relationship between spirituality and religiosity, politics and religion.

Research Fellow


Detailed Biography and Publications


Post-doctoral studies “Contextuality of Orthodox religiosity: theological visions and religious analysis”.

Postgraduate studies, specialty – “Religious Studies”. PhD thesis defended on the topic: “Syncretism of pre-Christian beliefs and Orthodoxy in Ukraine” (2001).

Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute (diploma with honors)

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, specialty “History, history teacher” (1997).



2020, “The Phenomenon of Individual Religiosity of the Orthodox Believer”

2011, “Religion in its social and personal functionality”

More publications can be found här
