Swedish version coming soon

Deacon Training Program in the Tewahedo Tradition (Part time) 2023-2024

This program provides the environment, structure and guidance necessary for the intellectual and personal formation of deacons who wish to serve the Orthodox Tewahdo Church. This three-year course is taught in Tigrinya or Amharic and does not require proficiency in Swedish or English. However, participants study this course in combination with the general education program where Swedish and English will be used.

The program includes Geez and Zema training for sacramental and liturgical services, and nine additional modules to be delivered over the course of two years: Dogmatic Theology, Church History I, Bible Study, Patrology, Church History II, Canon Law and Church Administration, Ecclesiology, Liturgy and Homiletics. Those who participate in the program will acquire training and develop knowledge that will enable them to effectively carry out diaconal and liturgical service in the church.

This online option is for those who are interested in the diaconal program but are unable to participate on campus. Participants can study online, on a part-time basis with the approval and guidance of the rector of the seminary.



För mer information om modulerna inom yrkesprogrammen inom Tewahedo traditionen, se MODULER

Ansökningsformulär på:


Längd: 2 år

Studietakt: Deltid (50%)

Studietider: Dagtid
Undervisningstyp: Distans (online)
Undervisningsspråk: Tigrinja & Amharinja

Nivå: Seminarienivå 

Arrangör: Sankt Ignatios folkhögskola

Förutom de krav som finns i kursbeskrivningen så förutsätts att den sökande är minst 18 år, är officiellt registrerad i Sverige och har fullgoda kunskaper i utbildningens språk.

Avgifter: Studier vid Sankt Ignatios folkhögskola är avgiftsfria för studenter som är folkbokförda i Sverige.

Serviceavgift vid Sankt Ignatios folkhögskola: 

Studenter måste betala en serviceavgift. Distanskurser (50%): 400 kr per kurs/termin  
