Digitalt öppet hus på Sankt Ignatios 2023

Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th March, Sankt Ignatios College is opening its doors to the public (digitally)!

On Wednesday each of our seminaries and projects will offer time online for you to learn about the education they offer and about student life at Sankt Ignatios.

On Thursday, staff from the Department of Eastern Christian studies at EHS will be available to help would-be applicants learn more about the content and relevance of Eastern Christian studies.

Digitalt öppet hus hålls på engelska. Klicka på Zoom-länkarna nedan för de områden som intresserar dig:  

Wednesday, March 29th:


kl. 11.30 – 13.00 – The Syrian Orthodox Seminary Zoom link >

kl. 17.00 – Byzantine projects (in Serbian) Zoom link >

kl. 19.00 – Tewahedo programs and courses (Eritrean and Ethiopian Orthodox Seminaries) Zoom link >

Thursday, March 30th. 


kl. 10.00 – Byzantine projects (in Swedish) Zoom link >


kl. 14.00: What does the study of Eastern Christian Studies add to our understanding of Christianity? Zoom link >

Group discussion with Dr. Gabriel Bar-Sawme, Dr. Grant White and Professor Samuel Rubensson

kl. 15.00: Focused presentations on some of the Eastern Christian Studies topics. Zoom link >

“The Marian Anaphoras in the Tewahedo Church” by Dr. Habte Kidane
“The Ritual Dimensions of Christian Faith in Eastern Christian Traditions” by Dr. Grant White
“Introduction to Biblical and Liturgical Greek” by Miriem Smensgård
“Awe and Wonder – a Theological Reading of Ephrem” by Dr. Gabriel Bar-Sawme
“Iconoclasm” by Professor Davor Džalto
”The Church in the Modern Public Square” by Professor Cyril Hovorun  (pre-recorded presentation)

You can downoload Sankt Ignatios Open Day flyer här.
