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The courses and programs offered by Sankt Ignatios folkhögskola are of three kinds; allmän kurs, specialised courses and university.

The general education program, or allmän kurs, provides foundation and upper school level education for adults who, for one reason or another, have not completed their formal school education. Many of our students are immigrants to Sweden. We focus heavily on proficiency in the Swedish language, which is the gateway for many immigrants to a full role in Swedish society and in the workplace. Students also study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Religion and Social Studies. For more about the allmän kurs program go here

All the church-based education at seminary and university levels comes under the heading of Sankt Ignatios College. This includes the specialised courses in theology, church studies and pastoral formation offered by the folkhögskola. These are taught by teaching members of the seminaries. The College is also responsible for arranging the vocational programs, which involve studying at both seminary (folkhögskola) and university level, in the Department of Eastern Christian Studies, which is a collaboration between Sankt Ignatios and EHS, in Bromma. These programs lead to a bachelor’s or master’s degree. To find out more about theological and pastoral training and other specialised courses at Sankt Ignatios College go here.

In addition to the education listed above, it is also possible to study the Eastern Christian tradition as an academic subject in the Department of Eastern Christian Studies. All degree level qualifications are accredited through EHS.  For more about the Department of Eastern Christian Studies go here.

Professor Samuel Rubenson, a teacher at the Department of Eastern Christian Studies and the chairman of the research collegium.

Seminaries and Projects

Specialised courses and programs are designed and taught by the teaching members of our seminaries, each of which represents one of the founding Orthodox traditions. In this way the education and formation of those wishing to become deacons, pastors and other church servants is fully in accordance with each participant’s  own Orthodox tradition.

The Syriac and Tewahedo (Ethiopian and Eritrean) seminaries are residential seminaries where students both live and study while also following a spiritual routine of worship and prayer in community.

The Byzantine seminary consist of a series of educational projects offered  to members of  local congregations, many of which are online, distance courses.

The Coptic seminary is at the moment in the process of re-organisation.

For more about our seminaries go here.

Students at the Syriac Seminary with the Patriarch

Members of the Syriac seminary and other teaching staff welcome the Patriarch on his visit to Södertälje.

Management Style

At Sankt Ignatios, we follow a ne0collegial management style which involves a mixture of  executive leadership from senior management in areas related to physical resources, such as facilities and money, and collegial decision-making by faculty members in  educational matters.

There are three decision-making teachers’ collegiums reflecting each of the three teaching departments at Sankt Ignatios: allmän kurs, specialised folkhögskola courses and programs, and the university programs and courses  at the Department of Eastern Christian Studies at EHS. 

In addition there is a research collegium which makes decision about matters related to research.

The central management group is made up of the Deans of the different units, with the Rector. 
