Student Life
There are many aspects of student life. You may want to engage in social activities, find housing, learn about places to study and where to do sports and exercise at student-friendly prices as well as church activities to visit. Find out more about these things below.
We have two villas for students attending our vocational programs. There are a also other possibilities
Student Union
The student union are an organization which all students automatically become members of when study at Sankt Ignatios. The student union is headed by a Student Council who represent the common interesest of students.
The Seminaries arrange regular activities for the vocational students. Besides this you can find a lot of things to do in you spear time both in Södertälje and in Stockholm. Below you will find some examples in Södertälje.
Places to study
At Campus Södertälje we have a nice library with several study places.
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Read more about being a student on Allmän kurs and College