Very Reverend Dr. Youhanon Habil

Very Reverend Dr. Youhanon Habil was born in Hassake in the north of Syria 7th of June 1978. After concluding his elementary education in Syria, he joined the Syrian Orthodox Seminary in Damascus. He was tonsured as a monk on the 17th of May 1998 and consecrated priest on the 6th of August 2000.

Dr Habil later studied in Paris where, in 2014, he received a joint doctorate from the Institute Catholique de Paris (ICP) and from Sorbonne University and in Athens where he successfully completed another doctorate in Dogmatic Theology. 

The appointment of Fr. Raban Dr Youhanon Habil as Rector of the Syriac Orthodox Seminary, was made by His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II the Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch.


Senior Lecturer, Practical Theology with Religious Behavioral Science; Team Coordinator; Rector, Syriac Orthodox Seminary



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