Dr. Michael Hjälm

Dr. Michael Hjälm

Dr. Michael Hjälm is Dean and Senior Lecturer. He was previously the Director for the Department of Eastern Christian Studies and Culture at Studieförbundet Bilda for twelve years and Senior Lecturer at the University of Uppsala. Dr. Michael Hjälm was born in Eskilstuna in Sweden. 

He holds a doctorate in theology from Uppsala University since 2011. His doctoral thesis analyzed the field of Liturgical Theology through the works of Alexander Schmemann, focusing on his vision of emancipation through bringing theology and spirituality together in the liturgical event. Hjälm argues for a new way to achieve the same ambition.

Dr. Hjälm´s research interests are in Practical Ecclesiology, how theory and practice relate to each other and how communication works to combine practical actions with theoretical reflection. An area that is directly connected to this is the function and self-understanding of the church (public ecclesiology). He is therefore especially interested in the ways in which the sociology can help us to understand the way the Church organizes and realizes itself.


Dean of Sankt Ignatios foundation, Sankt Ignatios folkhögskola and the Unit of Religious Studies and Theology; Senior Lecturer and Subject Representative, Practical Theology with Religious Behavioral Science



Detailed Biography and Publications

Dr. Michael Hjälm.pdf
