Dr. Habte Michael Kidane 

Picture of Dr Habte, Michael Kidane

Dr. Habte Michael Kidane earned his doctorate in Liturgical studies from the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, where he studied under the supervision of Robert Taft JS in a dissertation on the Liturgy of the Hours in the Ethiopian Orthodox Rite. The title of his doctoral thesis: “L’Ufficio divino della Chiesa etiopica”. 

Habte Michael Kidane in his numerous publications include: “L’Ufficio divino della Chiesa etiopica (Divine Liturgy of the Hours of the Ethiopian Church)”, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 257 (Rome 1998). Other publications: “Origin and Development of the Ge’ez divine liturgy”, (Asmara 2005) (in Tigrigna, language widely spoken in Northern Ethiopia and Eritrea). From these two books arose the plan to prepare the “Bibliografia della Liturgia Ge’ez (“Bibliography of the Ge‘ez Liturgy”)”, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 280, Rome 2008. He prepared an essay: “Origine ed evoluzione della “Liturgia Ge’ez”, presented at the first International Congress for the Society of Oriental Liturgy, held at Eichstätt (Germany) printed in the Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata (June 2008). He is the author of numerous articles and encyclopaedic and dictionary entries. 

Habte Michael Kidane contributed also to the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Hamburg (Germany), and contributed to several dictionaries. Bollandists: (fellowship) 06/1996-06/1997, he collaborated, as a specialist in the Ethiopian section with the Bollandists (Bruxelles, Belgium) in preparing the “Bibliotheca Hagiographica Aethiopica” (The Lives of Ethiopian Saints). The Aim was to create a separate series within the “Bibliotheca Hagiographica Orientalis”, to have updated and more complete new biographies of ancient and modern Ethiopian Saints. He has participated in international symposia. He continues his researches on the Liturgical texts of the First part of the Divine Liturgy (Ser’ata Qeddase) and Eucharistic prayers (Akwäteta Qwerban) and the Divine Liturgy and on the Säᶜatat (Horologium) of Abba Giyorgis and other texts of the Ethio-Eritrean Liturgical Tradition.

Habte Kidane is member of the Society of Oriental Liturgy since the foundation 2008 held at Eichstätt (Germany).


Senior lecturer, Practical Theology with Religious Behavioral Studies




1.     ‘The Sänbät-Sunday in the Gǝ’ǝz Liturgical Texts. A comparative Perspective’, in Adam Carter McCollum (ed.), Studies in Ethiopian Languages, Literature, and History, Festschrift for Getatchew Haile, Aethiopistische Forschungen 83, Harrassowitz Verlag 2017, pp. 321-344.

2.     Fasting in the Ethiopian Täwaḥǝdo Church Tradition. Its Communitarian and Liturgical Aspect, in André Lossky-Goran Sekulovski (eds), Jeûne et pratiques de repentance: dimensions communautaires et liturgiques (Semaines d’études liturgiques Saint-Serge 58), Münster, Aschendorff 2015, pp. 255-56.

3.     “The Institution Narrative-Anamnesis in the Ethiopian Anaphora of James of Sarug”, Manlio Sodi (ed.), LVIe Semaine d’Études Liturgiques, Conférences St Serge, Paris 2010, Bibliotheca “Ephemerides liturgicae”,  Subsidia Centro Liturgico Vincenziano (Rome, 2011) 119-148.4.     The Holy Spirit in the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwaḥdo Church Tradition, in The Spirit in Worship – Worship in the Spirit edited by Teresa Berger and Bryan

D.  Spinks, A Pueblo Book. Liturgical Press – Collegeville, Minnesota 2009, 179-206.

5.     Il “Deggwa” – libro liturgico della Chiesa d’Etiopia (Deggwa, Liturgical Book of the Ethiopian Church), in R.F. Taft (ed.), The Christian East, its Institutions and its Thought: A Critical Reflection. Papers of the International Scholarly Congress for the 75th Anniversary of the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, 30 May – 5 June 1993. Orientalia Christiana Analecta 251, Rome 1996, pp. 353-388.

6.     “Old Testament Lessons in the Säᶜatat (‘Hours’) of Giyorgis Säglawi”, Aethiopica 22 (2019), 58-95.

7.     With Emmanuel Fritsch, The Medieval Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and its Liturgy in Samantha Kelly (ed.), A Companion to Medieval Ethiopia and Eritrea, Leiden-Boston, MA: Brill 2020.

Book Reviews 

1.     Hammerschmidt Ernst, Studies in the Ethiopic Anaphoras, Revised Edition (Aethiopistiche Forschungen, 25), Wiesbaden 1987, in Orientalia Christiana Periodica 59, 1993, 278-280.

2.     Colin, Gérard, Le Synaxaire éthiopien. Mois de Yakkātit : édition critique du texte éthiopien et traduction française, (Patrologia Orientalis t. 45, fasc. 3, n° 203, Brepols, Turnhout 1992, 445-612, in Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 59, 1993, 523/24.

3.     Il “Mäsehafä Senkessar” [tr. The Book of the Synaxary], Adveniat Regnum Tuum (Asmara, Eritrea) 77-74 (2000-2001) 24-30.

4.     “L’ ‘Ufficio divino del Deggwa’ nel Sälotä Sä’atat [= Preghiera delle Ore] dei Cappuccini della Provincia di S. Francesco d’Assisi in Eritrea”, [tr. The Divine Office of the Deggwa in the “Liturgy of the Hours” of the Capuchins of the Province of St. Francis in Eritrea], Adveniat Regnum Tuum (Asmara, Eritrea) 65-66 (1997) 63-86.

 Habte Michael is also author of numerous encyclopaedic and dictionary entries. 

Ready for Press

Mälkəᶜ: Celebrating the Bodily and the Beautiful. Its Origin, Evolution, and Its Liturgical use

Research in Progress

– Different Types of Säᶜatat (Liturgy of the Hours) in the “Gǝ’ǝz Liturgy” tradition.

– The Role of Giyorgis Säglawi in the Advancement Of the “Gǝ’ǝz Liturgy”.

– Origin and development of the Ethiopian Anaphoras) (in Tigrigna).

Research Languages

Habte Michael Kidane speaks, reads & writes: Tigrigna, Italian, English, Amharic, French. Classic languages: Ge’ez and basic Latin. 
