Dr. Grant White

Dr. Grant White is Senior Lecturer in the subject Practical Theology with Religious Behavioral Science. He is a native of central Kansas and holds an A.B. from Harvard University (magna cum laude with highest honors in the comparative study of religion) and a Ph.D. in theology (liturgical studies) from the University of Notre Dame. He also studied Syriac language and literature and historical theology at Oxford University as a Fulbright scholar. His doctoral dissertation, directed by Paul Bradshaw, examined daily prayer and ascetic terminology in the Syriac and Ge’ez versions of the Testamentum Domini, a church order of the early fifth century. He has taught history of Christian liturgy, liturgical theology, church history and historical theology at a variety of institutions of theological higher education in the United States, Finland, England and Sweden, including Cambridge University and St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. He has served as Principal of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge, England, and has also taught courses and seminars in art and contemporary spirituality at the University of the Arts Helsinki, the premier university in Finland for the education of professional artists.


Senior Lecturer, Practical Theology with Religious Behavioral Science; Director of Studies and Communication.



Detailed Biography and Publications

Dr. Grant White
