Professor Cyril Hovorun

Professor Cyril Hovorun

Professor Dr. Cyril Hovorun is a Professor in Ecclesiology, International Relations and Ecumenism.

He is originally from Ukraine, where he first began his studies in theoretical physics before moving to the study of theology at the theological seminary and academy in Kyiv. He continued theological education at the National and Kapodistiran University of Athens and Durham University in the United Kingdom, where he defended his PhD under the supervision of Prof Fr Andrew Louth. The topic of his thesis was related to the post-Chalcedonian Christology.

Fr. Hovorun taught theology in a number of confessional and public institutions, including theological academies in Kyiv, Moscow, Minsk, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” in Kyiv, Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and others. He was a research fellow at Yale and Columbia Universities in the United States, a visiting professor at the University of Münster and international fellow at Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life at the University of Alberta in Canada. He has been invited to lecture in over fifty institutions globally, including University of Heidelberg (Germany), Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam), University of Oxford, Chinese University of Hong Kong, St Joseph University (Macau), Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, Peking University (China), Princeton Theological Seminary, University of Manitoba (Canada), Harvard University, Yale University, University of Munich, University of Iceland, Columbia University, University of Toronto, Myanmar Institute of Theology, University of Eastern Karelia (Finland), LCC International University (Lithuania), Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory (Serbia), Dartmouth College (USA), and others. 

He holds membership of a number of professional associations, including American Academy of Religion, European Academy of Religion, Association for the Sociology of Religion, International Association of Patristic Studies, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, North American Patristics Society, International Academic Forum (IAFOR) in Japan, Ukrainian Patristic Society (as its president since 2019), Research Network for New Directions in the Humanities, International Society for Neoplatonic Studies.


Professor in Ecclesiology, International Relations and Ecumenism; Subject representative, History of Christianity with Systematic Theology.


Detailed Biography and Publications

Professor Dr. Cyril Hovorun

Academic Work Related to Ukraine

Professor Dr. Cyril Hovorun on Ukraine

Professor Dr. Cyril Hovorun on Academia

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